Sessions by Track

Session Schedule Coming Soon!

Collegiate Track

Leading from Lived Experience: Rural Medicine

Bradley Firchow (Oglethorpe University, 2017)

Discover how your lived experiences can become powerful tools for collaborative leadership. This session explores strategies for fostering inclusivity, empathy-driven advocacy, and cultural humility in leadership roles. Learn practical approaches to overcoming biases, building diverse coalitions, and leading impactful initiatives in under-resourced communities. Through interactive discussions and real-world case studies from the speaker’s experiences as a rural health advocate and medical student, you’ll gain actionable insights to lead with authenticity and drive meaningful change. Join us to harness your unique experiences and shape a more equitable future in leadership!

Where Does O∆K Fit On Your Resume?

Jade Metcalf (Washington State University, 1992)

College seniors sometimes struggle to articulate the value of their undergraduate leadership experience to prospective employers. “President of Omicron Delta Kappa? Is that a frat?” Using the STAR method, they can highlight their leadership skills and set themselves apart from other candidates by telling stories about the leadership role they played and the measurable contribution they made to a project or community.

Unlocking Growth with Mentors, Sponsors & Coaches

Matthew Nobles (University of Florida, 2006)

Maximizing your potential and achieving your highest goals is more easily accomplished with a team of experienced and dedicated supporters on your side. Join this session to gain a better understanding the difference between the roles of Mentor, Sponsor and Coach and how to best utilize each for your personal growth & development. Learn how to identify the right people and connect with them to start building this relationship. And learn how to ensure that the time and energy invested with your mentor, sponsor and coaches is beneficial for everyone involved.

Lead with Love: A Guide to Appreciative Leadership

Tony Trimpe

This session will combine concepts of Appreciative Inquiry, Serving Leadership, and the Student Leadership Competencies to create an interactive workshop that will show attendees how to lead a constituency through the concept of love. Attendees will practice a variety of activities that focus on their personal values, goal setting, and strengths while learning to listen & have dialogue with peers about all of these. Audience members should leave this session with a rejuvenated sense of their personal leadership philosophy while also understanding to appreciate the nuance and differences of one another.

Infusing Civic Leadership into Action

Charlie Sloop (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2023)
Tony Trimpe

This presentation will go through a background of VT Engage: The Center of Leadership and Service Learning along with the definition of civic leadership and how to incorporate the Student Leadership Competencies into your circle’s work. Attendees will take away strategies to shape their own circles, which include concepts of collaborating and designing leadership programs, recognizing student achievement, accessing the circle’s mission, vision and values, and delivering curriculum aligned competencies from various perspectives across your circle’s campus. Attendees should come prepared to generate ideas, collaborate, and come away with tangible action items to implement in their circle.

Embrace The Change of a Growing Leader

Kelley Burton (East Carolina University, 2021)
Zoe Nivens (East Carolina University, 2024)
Krista Wilhelm (East Carolina University, 2000)

Omicron Delta Kappa places value on cultivating servant leaders. Many of our members hold leadership positions not only within our organization but also in various others. In this session, we emphasize the significance of recognizing when leaders become overwhelmed with responsibilities and the importance of learning how to set boundaries. It is vital to understand when it is appropriate to decline tasks or delegate them to others, ensuring their own well-being while continuing their growth as individuals within our organization. By mastering the art of setting healthy boundaries, we not only benefit our organization but also prioritize our personal well-being.

Crafting a Leadership Brand That Inspires

Rachel Spier (Morningside University, 2022)

The presentation will cover: 1) the fundamentals of a personal brand and its relevance in leadership and career contexts; 2) strategies for collaborating with campus faculty, alumni, and student groups to enhance your brand; and 3) a detailed approach to developing your brand, including crafting an elevator pitch, identifying core values, and using book club topics to inform your leadership style. Following the presentation, attendees will engage in small group discussions to develop their own brands and elevator pitches, equipping them with actionable strategies for effective leadership and networking on campus and beyond.

Designing Inclusive Leadership Training

Sheridan Henson (Cumberland University, 2008)

How does a Circle of O∆K at a small, private, non-profit university nestled in the South design programming that not only provides leadership training to under-served student populations but also creates space for campus and community collaboration? Participants in this session will receive a description of Cumberland University’s efforts to accomplish this challenging task, and they will also enjoy an opportunity to break out into small groups to discuss how they can design programming at their institutions, bridging an often-neglected gap in higher education.

Beyond the Slides: Elevate Your Virtual Skills

Jack Monger (University of West Florida, 2023)

Transform your virtual presentation skills and go beyond the limits of PowerPoint! This interactive session equips early career professionals with the tools and strategies to create dynamic, engaging presentations for diverse audiences. Learn how to incorporate storytelling, interactivity, and accessible design to captivate viewers and foster connection. Participants will explore innovative technologies and collaborate in small groups to practice these techniques, leaving with confidence and a toolkit to elevate their virtual communication.

Interpersonal Communications Basic for Leaders

Anita Navarro (Virginia Commonwealth University, 1990)

Leadership by most definitions involves some sort of exchange between leader and members. Thus, interpersonal communications is foundational to being an effective leader. This session will offer the basics of interpersonal communications based on the sender-receiver model and its application to leading groups. We’ll begin with some didactics and then move to exercises to apply and practice the model. Participants will be able to describe the elements of the model, practice each element and then apply them to a current leadership scenario.

Leveraging LinkedIn for Your Next Success

Caroline Sangal (University of Akron, 1997)

In this session, we’ll explore how to leverage LinkedIn to set you up for your next success and stand out in a competitive professional environment. We’ll cover key strategies for optimizing your profile, building and nurturing a strong network, and engaging with relevant content. Additionally, we’ll dive into how to effectively use LinkedIn for job searching and career growth, including tips on networking, job applications, and utilizing LinkedIn Learning. Throughout the session, there will be interactive elements, such as profile reviews, networking exercises, and real-time job search demos, ensuring you leave with practical, actionable insights.

Fireproof Bridges: Building Lasting Connections

Jamie Ball (Oglethorpe University, 1993)

This session is designed for leaders aiming to enhance their ability to cultivate strong, resilient connections both in their professional careers and personal lives. In today’s rapidly evolving world, the ability to build and maintain meaningful relationships is crucial for success and well-being. This presentation will equip leaders with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to navigate interpersonal challenges, foster trust, and ensure their relationships can withstand conflict and change.

The Daily Debrief: The High-Performance Habit

Jeff Bonner (University of Maryland, College Park 1994)

Join aviator and author Jeff Bonner in an inspiring keynote speech as he shares valuable insights on how aviation’s principles can propel you toward high performance and leadership success. With engaging storytelling and practical wisdom, this session will empower ODK collegiate members to soar to new heights in their leadership journey. By discovering the high-performance Daily Debrief abit, participants will develop a fighter pilot mindset to lead and win. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a unique perspective from the world of aviation and unlock your full potential for leadership success.

Cultural Humility and Understanding Bias

Mary Howard-Hamilton (University of North Carolina at Charlotte,1983)
William Adu-Mensah (Indiana State University, 2021)

The educational practices and personal beliefs we embody shape and impact the creation and design of our society. Therefore, it is important that we engage in self-reflection and personal introspection about our race, gender, class, and other deep-seated identities continuously. Who we are shapes our beliefs and values. The purpose of this session is to help participants develop an ability to be reflective about the relationship between the role being a circle leader and the larger society that education and educators help to form.


Post Collegiate

Amplifying Your Team Through Positive Psychology

Avital Miller (Arizona State University, 2024)

This seminar equips leaders with strategies to enhance team cohesion, innovation, and performance. Participants will engage in hands-on exercises focused on communication, conflict resolution, and motivation techniques. Coaching methodologies will be introduced to help leaders unlock team potential and align with organizational goals. Designed for business leaders, this immersive experience offers practical tools to navigate leadership challenges and drive success in today’s dynamic enterprise environment. Attendees will leave prepared to elevate their leadership impact and spearhead innovation.

Be the BOSS of Communicating with Confidence

Dr. Mickey Fitch-Collins (University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2003)

Whether you’re asked to speak in a high-stakes meeting, give an update, or pitch an idea on the spot, impromptu speaking is a crucial leadership skill. This fast-paced, interactive workshop will teach you how to be the B.O.S.S. of impromptu speaking. Not only will you learn, but you will practice in this high-energy accelerated workshop receiving immediate feedback to refine your approach. Walk away with the confidence to handle unplanned speaking moments and the ability to communicate with clarity, influence, and impact—every time.

Right and Write: Intertwining Justice and Rhetoric

Dr. Angela Walker (Talladega College, 2021)

This engaging presentation uses Rev. Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.’s 1963 “Letter from Birmingham Jail” as a framework to celebrate history, embrace change, and shape tomorrow. In his famed jailhouse letter, Rev. Dr. King, Jr. listed a controversial four-step approach to planning and executing nonviolent Civil Rights protests. Anybody in the 21st-century can adapt and implement his timeless and proven approach in college, the workforce, the community, or anywhere else in the world to convincingly advocate for themselves and others. This energetic presentation applies Rev. Dr. King, Jr.’s nonviolent approach to discuss how effective written rhetoric is an indestructible empowerment tool.

Coach Leadership for Remote Teams

Christine Simone (Florida Southern College, 2009)

In the remote teamwork era, few leadership styles have had the capacity to enhance the work of teams in this modality quite like the coaching leadership style. Characterized by individualized development, open communication, adaptability, and trust, the coaching style has proven highly effective in distributed environments. This session explores the merits of the coach leadership style in the remote environment, offering actionable strategies to foster a culture of accountability, continuous growth, and inclusivity. Backed by case studies and data-driven insights, this session aims to help leaders unlock the full potential of their remote teams.

Embracing Change With Emotional Intelligence

Matthew Taylor

Managing change is an adaptive challenge that requires us to shift mindsets. In other words, we must shift habits of mind and beliefs when we embrace change. Noble Story Group’s (NSG’s) Emotional Intelligence (EI) approach to embracing change grounds you in your personal core values as a way to shift the beliefs that hold you back. Bring a challenge that is keeping you up at night to this workshop and you will leave with a plan to attack it and other change obstacles grounded in the integrity of your standard.

Can We Get Along: Create Welcoming Training Spaces

Dar Mayweather, PhD (University of North Carolina Wilmington, 2024)

Leadership trainers need tools to motivate and inspire people across social identity differences, while certain states create policies to diminish DEI engagement, recruitment, and retention resources. Trainers who value DEI must innovate ways to include it in training. This session develops leaders who train diverse people using identity-based storytelling and experiential learning activities. Participants in this session will create strategies that build trust and increase social identity awareness during training.

ROCK-R-MIC: Mastering Your LinkedIn Presence

Dr. Mickey Fitch-Collins (University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2003)

Ready to boost your LinkedIn game and become a networking powerhouse? Join us for an action-packed session where you’ll master the “ROCK-R-MIC” method of LinkedIn. Learn how to engage with your network, create content that gets noticed, and build authentic connections that elevate your career. You’ll leave this workshop ready to ROCK LinkedIn like never before. Whether you’re a LinkedIn newbie or seasoned pro, this session will help you level up—fast, fun, and effective!

50 Years of Women in O∆K: A Facilitated Discussion

Anita Navarro (Virginia Commonwealth University, 1990)

In 1974, O∆K admitted women leaders in the society. At the time this was a bold step, and it acknowledged the increasing opportunities for women in our society, including leadership roles. A brief history of women leaders in O∆K will be presented along with some observations from the latest edition of The Circle to frame a conversation about embracing change and shaping tomorrow. Discussion prompts will cover how leadership has changed, challenges, successes, reflections on the past and predictions for the future and how to bring our best selves to our leadership and life roles.

Emotionally Intelligent Conflict Resolution

Avital Miller (Arizona State University, 2024)

Discover practical strategies to prevent conflict escalation and transform challenges into opportunities for growth. In this interactive virtual workshop, you’ll learn to navigate workplace conflicts—whether caused by communication breakdowns, team dynamics, or unfair treatment—by harnessing emotional intelligence. Gain insights into the root causes of conflict and develop win-win solutions. Enhance your communication skills to set boundaries, provide constructive feedback, and make requests that inspire collaboration and productivity, ultimately driving success for your business.

Leadership in Public Service


This session features a panel of leaders in public service, offering insights into the evolving landscape of governance, policy-making, and community engagement. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of public administration and leave with actionable takeaways to enhance their own impact in the public sector. Join us for an engaging dialogue on the future of public service leadership.

Featured Speakers:

  • Chad Huckaby (Stephen F. Austin State University, 2013) Nacogdoches, TX City Council
  • Sydni Mitchell Gaitan (Stephen F. Austin State University, 2008) External Relations Specialist at Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

Circle Management Track

Circle Programming

Each year, circles should host a Signature Leadership Program and a Signature Service Program. Not only does this meet the requirements of the Circle Standards, but these programs help to build awareness of the circle and help make Omicron Delta Kappa synonymous with leadership and service on campus. These programs should be open to the campus community and can be utilized as a recruitment tool for the circle. This session will cover signature program requirements and best practices for developing successful programs.

Engaging Busy Leaders in Your Circle

A primary benefit of membership in O∆K is the ability to form connections with other leaders on your campus, but since O∆K members are also some of the busiest people at your institution, how do you engage these busy leaders in your circle? This session will cover best practices for circle meetings, strategies for hybrid engagement, and tips on engaging faculty, staff and alumni members alongside your student leaders. 

Best Practices in New Member Recruitment

Omicron Delta Kappa recognizes the achievement in leadership of undergraduate sophomores, juniors and seniors, graduate students, members of faculty and administration, alumni, and honorary members of a school or college. Circles should be recruiting and selecting new members from each of these classes in each recruitment cycle. This session will discuss best practices in new member recruitment and will feature two circles who have implemented innovative practices for recruiting faculty, staff, and alumni members.